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Posts in “Docker”

30 days of hacking Docker

Wed, Jun 11, 2014
Prelude Yesterday I finished my first 30-day streak on GitHub. Most of contributions were to Docker – the biggest opensource project on Go. I learned a lot in this month, and it was really cool. I think that this is mostly because of Go language. I’ve been programming on Python for five years and I was never so excited about open source, because Python is not even half so fun as Go.

Deploying blog with docker and hugo

Sun, May 4, 2014
Prelude Recently I moved my jabber-server to DigitalOcean VPS. Run Prosody in docker was so easy, that I decided create this blog. And of course deploy it with docker! Content At first we need container with templates and content for blog generation. I used next dockerfile: FROM debian:jessie RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y ca-certificates git-core RUN git clone /src VOLUME ["/src"] WORKDIR /src ENTRYPOINT ["git"] CMD ["pull"] There is no magic here: just clone repo to /src (it will be used below), and update it on container start.